Lynn Maudlin's House of Bread
Song list:
Links to lyrics (and some recordings)
House of Bread (Nothing To Plow But Rocks) - Elimelech
Nice Enough Girls - Naomi
I Am Bitter - Naomi
Bye Bye, So Long - Orpah
The Road Beyond The River - Ruth, Naomi
The Gleaning Song - Ruth, Naomi
Boaz' Song - Boaz
At The City Gate - Boaz, Nearer Kinsman
Who Would've Thought? - Naomi
God is Good - Naomi, chorus

Shepherd Me

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Program Book
The program book contains some history of bible times that help a modern audience to understand the rather elaborate social dance which underpins the story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz. There's also an explanation of gleaning.... Please do check it out.

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